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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Annual Meeting: Ecosystem Services - from theory to conservation toolbox

March 10, 2012  Dodge Nature Center, West St. Paul, MN

Couldn't join us in person? Or want a snapshot of the discussions at the meeting? 

Follow the Annual Meeting on Twitter using the hashtag #MNSCB2012 

The complete list of Tweets is here.
Schedule (all times are CST) 
8:30 Registration and Coffee (and poster set-up)

            Steve Polasky - Ecosystem Services, Economics, and Conservation
                     (Fesler Lampert Professor of Ecological/Environmental Economics, UMN)
            Doug Norris - Wetland Banking as a Market for Ecosystem Services?
        (Wetlands Program Coordinator, MN DNR,)
            Terry Lee – The Decorah Edge: a working example of applied ecosystem services
                    (Water Coordinator, Olmsted County Environmental Resources)
            Panel-audience discussion

11:00 Break

11:15 Reflections on 25 years of Conservation Biology in Minnesota
             With invited perspectives from Karen Oberhauser (UMN), Kristen Nelson (UMN),  Rich Baker (MNDNR) and Darby Nelson.  Full-group discussion will follow. 
12:30 Lunch and exploration of Dodge Nature Center trails
1:30 SCB Chapter Meeting and Board Elections
         Nature Walk led by Lee Frelich (UMN) (Max: 10 people)
2:15 Break

2:30 Contributed papers
            Room A: Downstairs classroom on Left
            2:30 – N. Eisenhauer, N.A. Fisichelli, L.E. Frelich*, and P.B. Reich
Interactive effects of global warming and 'global worming' on the initial establishment of native and exotic herbaceous plant species
                  2:50 – Alex Heeren
Northeast Climate Change Pilot Study
                  3:10 – Jim Manolis*, Keith Wendt, Ann Pierce, and Andy Holdsworth
Adaptive Leadership and Climate Change Strategies:  Lessons from a State Natural Resource Agency Initiative
            Room B: Downstairs classroom on Right
            2:30 – Bridget Henning
Commerce or friendship? Direct payments for conservation in Papua New Guinea
                  2:50 – Marcus W. Beck
Identifying covariates of a lake assessment index to improve biological assessment
                  3:10 – Tom Will
An Ecosystem Dis-Service: Unrestrained Domestic Cats and Wildlife

3:45 Break

4:15 Keynote: Darby Nelson – For Love of Lakes
5:15 Social, Poster Session, Student Presentation Awards, Silent Auction

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