Connecting Minnesota's conservation science community

Advancing conservation science and its impact on our conservation legacy

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

MN SCB 2012 Annual Meeting Takes to Twitter

As a means to help others attend the MN SCB Annual Meeting virtually and create a record of the meeting, we "live-tweeted" much of the event. Live-tweeting entails writing small headline-like posts of 140 characters or less.  The "hashtag" #MNSCB2012 is like a keyword that when searched on aggregates all tweets from the meeting.  Below is the full-list of the 71 tweets from meeting.  They are in reverse chronological order, most recent first, so you probably want to scroll to the bottom to read them in chronological order. 

What do you think?  Do these tweets help give you a sense of what was presented and discussed at the meeting?  

Want to learn more about the value and how of live-tweeting?  Check out this excellent blog post by a shark conservation biologist who quite successfully live tweeted from the International Congress of Conservation Biology last year. Also check out a post on the UMN Cons Bio blog.

Tweets from the 2012 MN SCB Annual Meeting:
    (Tweets are listed from the end of the meeting to the beginning of the meeting)
Thanks to all who made today's MN Society for Conservation Biology meeting rich with ideas, challenges, insights, and inspiration

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