Connecting Minnesota's conservation science community

Advancing conservation science and its impact on our conservation legacy

Friday, October 12, 2012

Minnesota Chapter 2011-2012 Accomplishments

The Board of the Minnesota Chapter set out to bring new energy and focus to the Chapter in 2011-2012.  We set three major goals for the year and consistently focused on advancing each.  Everyone on the Board focused on working on one of the goals, and collaborated with other Board members on the other goals as needed.  It was a great year.  Sami Nichols, 2011-2012 Vice-president, and Kelly Nail, Secretary, led the development of a poster that highlights our accomplishments in 2011-2012.  

This poster was one of 15+ chapter posters featured at the North American Congress for Conservation Biology.  Our goals and accomplishments are below.  Click on the thumbnail to view the full poster. 

Please send us suggestions and feedback on how we are doing as a Chapter and how we can better serve the conservation science community this year.

And join us this year at one one of our activities to help make 2012-2013 a great year!  

Goals and Accomplishments of the Past Year:

Click to enlarge
Focus 1: Increased Outreach 

  • Winter Soup Social Event with Joe Fargione, lead scientist for The Nature Conservancy;
  • Screening of the Aldo Leopold documentary  Green Fire at the Bell Museum of Natural History in Minneapolis;
  • Co-sponsored book signing for No Word for Welcome: The Mexican Village Faces the Global Economy by Wendy Call;
  • Participated in acorn collection fundraiser through Great River Greening.

Focus 2: Effective Communication with Members 
  • Created a new website that is easily updated by Board members;
  • Used MailChimp as a method to send out effective and visually appealing emails;
  • Maintained and updated online presence on Facebook and Twitter.
Focus 3: Increased Membership 
  • MNSCB participated in Minnesota’s Give to the Max Day, increasing our visibility to the public and raising funds;
  • Reestablished our status as a Minnesota non-profit;
  • Began a membership drive email campaign.

Minnesota Chapter Representatives, Kate Knuth, Jim Manolis, and Andy Holdsworth with the Chapter's poster at the 2012 N.A. Congress for Conservation Biology in Oakland, CA

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